Back pain after long sitting days?

Unhook your body from time to time, for example from a pole, a door frame or a tree. It has a traction effect and does you good!

Your yoga practice should be physically focused on stretching, extension, and on discovering the gentle lordosis (hollow back) – also called ‘neutral spine’.

The Neutral Spine in daily life

When walking or standing, the posture of our body we aim to achieve is a straight spine, but still a ‘double S’, meaning there is a slight ‘hollow back’. To practice, carry a book or other object on your head (with hands along your body next to your hips) over a few meters – and you got it!

Consistent practice will teach the body to keep an improved posture

…with neck, spine, and hips in proper alignment and you will get aware of how to help the natural curvature of your spine and so avoid lower back pain

The postures performed in Yoga strengthen muscles in the back and abdomen, which are both essential for the spine’s muscular network. Stretching fosters relaxation and flexibility in muscles and joints, namely in hamstrings and hips to decrease the tensions around the lower back.

Mini-Yoga Class

This ‘5 Minutes 5 Poses’ mini-class starts with warm up and continues with 5  easy poses  stretching hamstrings and lower back.

You can perform them at any time of the day, jumping out bed or on the carpet in the living room (please cut the tv and listen to your breath :).

PDF with icons and instructions

To find the right alignment and rhythm following your breath, a PDF file with icons and detailed description of poses is ready for download.

Consistency is key

That’s why I provide my participants to the Live Online Classes

(a) a schedule to commit to

(b) motivation and

(c) small steps to achieve.

Not over 30 minutes per session, but at least 3 times a week!

Or start with a Yoga Retreat to find the pace of moving daily.

Slovenia Yoga Retreat Summer 2020